viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Laura Martínez Rodríguez
Laura was born in Cartagena in 2000. She went to Bethoveen School when she was three. She loved orange. Laura finished school when she was eleven.

She went to school when she was twelve.
Laura was different because she was perfect! She was very intelligent, beautiful, she worked very hard and she got good marks.

She was brave and fighter. She  fought against the cancer a lot.
I admire her! I will never forget you Laura!
Laura is now an angel. Now, I can imagine her playing in the sky, in the clouds,  with the other children.
She gets all the ballons in the sky. 

Leonor Cayuela Roca 2ºB

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Amposta Parc

We went to Amposta we travelled by bus. Amposta parc is a very big centre. I was very happy there because i met more friends from high school of Madrid I.E.S Albeniz. I was with Evelin aand Raqueland Celia.

They are good girls. We went to the beach. The beach was very big. In Ampsota we did a lot of activities there. The swimming pool was very big and very long. we went cycling, played olimpics, basketball etc and didn  more activities.

When we had free time. We could call our family. In Amposta there were a five football camps, a little park and a swimming pool. 

The monitors are from Ireland, U.S.A, Madrid and Cataluña. The trip was very fun and great.